Longford Park Primary School

01452 347868
Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary

Flying High Vision

A - Achieve our best

We are ambitious that all our children, with the necessary support and encouragement, will achieve their very best at Longford Park Primary Academy. Our exciting and innovative curriculum will actively engage the children as successful learners and our positive ethos and culture will ensure that children understand their responsibilities for themselves and for each other.

B - Be our best

Talent is nurtured but we’re equally proud of achievement gained through perseverance, positive choices and effort. Our high expectations for children’s behaviour and attitudes help to create a friendly and caring, safe and secure environment. By understanding their role in making a positive contribution within our school community all our children can be their very best.

C - Celebrate our best

At Longford Park Primary Academy we actively seek to celebrate our children being their best in all that they do, recognising when milestones have been reached and by rewarding hard work. By recognising and rewarding endeavour and determination, we ensure that our children no matter their ability or background can achieve their best. This positive culture of high expectations and being the best in all that we do ensures that children can achieve their potential and flourish.

Our School Values 

Our 'Flying High' vision is supported by our five key values at school: 'Be Respectful, Be Honest, Be Determined, Be Kind and Be Responsible'. The children are supported with finding opportunities throughout the day to demonstrate these values.