Longford Park Primary School

01452 347868
Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary

Covid-19 & home learning

For information and updates from the 'Gloucestershire Learning Alliance' please follow the link below

Gloucestershire Learning Alliance - COVID19 (glatrust.org.uk)


During this uncertain time, we understand that some children may be away from school for periods of time, either due to individual self-isolation or isolating within a class, year group or school. As such, we have created a GLA approach to managing these absences to ensure all children continue to receive a high quality education.

Our home learning approach depends on the specific circumstances of the child and their isolation. Details should be read in conjunction with the GLA Remote Learning Policy. Home learning will be managed through the Microsoft Teams platform. Each child has a personal Teams account and has had the opportunity to practice navigating the learning platform at school. We have created some simple guidance videos to help you access and move around the site - these can be found here.

By allowing your child to partake in remote learning through the Microsoft Teams platform, you are agreeing to abide by the GLA Parents' Acceptable Use Agreement. if you have any questions regarding this agreement, please contact the main office of your child's school, who will direct you to the relevant person. This Parents' Agreement has been constructed alongside the children's Acceptable Use Agreement, which has been completed by all pupils in school.

Tier 1

This is when your child is needing to self-isolate due to displaying COVID-19 symptoms, a member of their household displaying symptoms or being advised to self-isolate by a relevant government body. For more information on Tier 1, click here.

Tier 2

This is when your child is needing to self-isolating along with other members of their class, as instructed by the school. For more information on Tier 2, click here.

Tier 3

This is when your child is needing to self-isolate along with other members of their year group, Key Stage or school, as instructed by the school. For more information on Tier 3, click here.

Who should I contact if I have a problem?

Issues in accessing the work Class teacher via admin@longfordpark.org.uk
Issues with IT Mrs Williams using head@longfordpark.org.uk
issues with your child's well-being Mrs Williams using head@longfordpark.org.uk
Concerns about Data Protection Mrs Williams using head@longfordpark.org.uk
Concerns about safeguarding Mrs Williams using head@longfordpark.org.uk
Pupil absence Mrs Arnold using admin@longfordpark.org.uk

Useful Documents