Longford Park Primary School

01452 347868
Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary

Special Education & Disability Needs

A fundamental principle of all GLA schools is a passionate belief that all of our children should be able to reach their full potential, regardless of their circumstances, race, gender or ability.

Longford Park is a fully inclusive school, with a team of staff recruited to support all children to reduce barriers to learning.

At Longford Park, we pride ourselves on our ability to offer, and successfully deliver, a full curriculum that is inclusive to all children, irrespective of need. The school is very proud of inclusive approach and what all staff are able to provide to all children.

 Part of the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice (2014) requires schools to publish their SEN School Information Report. This had been called the Local Offer. Our information report can be found by clicking on the link below.

The SEN School Information Report

Should further information be required, please contact the school's SENDCo, Helen Merrett by either phoning the school or by emailing Mrs Arnold in the office using the email address admin@longfordpark.org.uk 

Please also refer to the documents below.

GLA SEN Policy 

LPPA SEND Information Report