Longford Park Primary School

01452 347868
Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary

Complaints Handling

Most queries, issues and problems can be resolved or answered by the class teachers or nursery staff. We also have a leadership structure that enables escalation of complaints should this be required. A Phase Leader for early years (Reception, Year 1 and 2) and for Key Stage 2 (Year 3, 4, 5 and 6) are available to resolve issues and a Nursery Manager in Longford Park Little Learners and Duty Manager in her absence. 

Parents are welcome to contact Headteacher to discuss any issues but particularly if they feel that an issue needs escalating further.

The management of the Gloucestershire Learning Alliance (GLA) has responsibility for the operations of all Academies that are part of our alliance of schools. We recognise that there will be occasions when parents, pupils or others who have contact with any aspect of our work will want to make a complaint. A document sets out the overall framework applying to all constituent Academies for dealing with complaints by people other than staff who should follow the Grievance Procedure. The GLA has a Complaints Policy governing matters for all schools and nurseries. 

This Policy and Guidance takes into consideration the Education Act 2002

Click here for the GLA Complaints Policy.

Our schools and nurseries are orderly, safe places, where relationships between staff and visitors demonstrate mutual respect and recognition of shared responsibility for pupils’ welfare and educational progress. Parental involvement is an important factor in educational success and in dealing with emerging problems at an early stage and we recognise that when school and parents work together in a positive relationship, the children will reach their full potential and have a successful educational journey.

However, on occasion, the behaviour of a minority of parents can cause severe disruption or worse, resulting in abusive or aggressive behaviour towards staff, pupils, or other members of the school community.

Click here for Resolving Concerns with School.