Parent Support and Early Help
We are conscious that many of our parents and carers may be part of the new Whittington Park development and that moving to a new less-established community can be exciting yet challenging. We recognise the complexity of developing a new community and integrating into the established Longford village.
We aim to engage with the long term community residents, families moving in to new homes, councillors, property developers, housing associations and essential facilities such as other local schools, GP surgeries, local police forces and community groups who serve this new and growing community
We recognise the establishment of a new school as an ideal catalyst for the community as we open our doors to a new generation of students. Look out for our community engagement plan which will appear here shortly.
Early Help
The new Children and Families Act 2014 means changes to the law to give greater protection to vulnerable children, better support for children whose parents are separating, a new system to help children with special educational needs and disabilities, and help for parents to balance work and family life. Early help is important because it ensures vulnerable children and their families receive the help they need when they need it. It can prevent problems getting worse and requiring specialist intervention from social care, health and the youth justice system.
The Gloucestershire Children’s Partnership has adopted the Munro ‘Working Together’ definition of Early Help:
Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life, from the foundation years through to the teenage years.
Click here for our Early Help Offer