Longford Park Primary School

01452 347868
Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary

Wider Community Links

Primary School Collaboration  

Links with our local schools bring many advantages for our children. Moderation meetings enable us to quality assure assessment judgements and share good practice. Local headteachers regularly meet to develop initiatives and explore ways to develop partnership work. We also aim to work with local schools on various projects and sports fixtures.

We are also conscious that children will be joining us from other schools so transition arrangements with these schools will be something we are mindful of. 

Secondary School Collaboration

Our aim is to ensure that all children are fully equipped and ready for secondary school. Secondary transfer information is provided for parents, and Year 6 children get a chance to meet new teachers at our school and spend a day at their secondary school in July. Transition is very carefully planned for more vulnerable children and those with a statement for special education needs.

We will aim top work with local feeder schools to develop links to help ensure that this transition is as effective and smooth as possible.

For details of local schools, click here.

Formal Teaching and Learning Parnerships

Longford Park Primary Academy is part of a multi-academy trust. Academies get money direct from the government, not the local council. They’re run by an academy trust which employs the staff. This has provided us with an opportunity to work as a 'family' schools, with the aim of achieving outstanding outcomes for all children. We are also a strategic partner of the Odyssey Teaching School Alliance. For more information, visit the Gloucestershire Learning Alliance website. 

Specialist Provision

Our school will work with a number of specialist organisations, including the Social Services, pastoral groups, School Nursing, education psychologists and a whole range of other agencies. Our SENDCo regularly works with these agencies to carefully assess the personal needs of individuals and families. On occasions when it is recommended that a child requires specialist education outside of a mainstream school, we work sensitively with families and other schools to find the most suitable provision.