Longford Park Primary School

01452 347868
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Prevent Duty

Prevent Strategy

We fully recognise our responsibility to protect pupils from radicalisation and acknowledge it is part of our wider safeguarding duties being as important as protecting children from other harms to their health, social and educational development.

The Prevent Strategy (June 2011) was created after intelligence indicated that a terrorist attack in our country is 'highly likely', emphasising the need to prevent terrorism and extreme ideology.

Our emphasis in school is for all staff to be able to recognise the signs of radicalisation, seek advice and know how to respond, report concerns and ensure that information is shared appropriately (Notice, Check, Share).

 Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) have completed online training, attended briefings and completed WRAP training in order to support staff and share information about prevent, including the Prevent Strategy (2011), Prevent Duty Guidance (on the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2016) and The Prevent Duty (Departmental advice for schools and childcare providers June 2016), to ensure that staff are aware of their responsibilities to recognise signs, report and share.

 Staff are trained to follow the school's safeguarding procedures outlined in local safeguarding handbooks, including discussing with the school's designated safeguarding lead, and where deemed necessary, with social care (Children's Helpdesk 01452 426565). There is a Prevent Board in Gloucestershire who will create a Channel panel if, after formal referral, the police agree that there is sufficient evidence of radicalisation.

Training is as follows:

  • GSCB whole school training
  • GSCB updates delivered by DSL at least once a year
  • Induction Training on Prevent for all new members of staff
  • All staff read, digest and sign to show understanding of statutory guidance including Keeping Children Safe in Education and Prevent
  • Regular staff meeting agendas include safeguarding training, including Prevent

For Prevent Duty Guidance click here.