Longford Park Primary School

01452 347868
Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary

Tier 3 home learning


A pupil needs to self-isolate because they have been instructed to do so from their school. This may be because there has been a positive case(s) within your child’s class or year group bubble.

What educational provision your child will receive:

Day one: You will receive contact from your child’s teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team with a timetable and some suggested work for day one and day two of self-isolation.

Day one and day two: Online work will be signposted using high quality resources, such as Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize.

Day three onwards: In line with a timetable provided, your child will receive daily work and activities, assigned through the Microsoft Teams platform. This will include daily lessons on Maths, English and Spelling/Phonics and another lesson on an area such as History, Art or Computing.

Guidance for this learning may be provided using a range of media – teacher produced videos, videos from other high quality sources, screencast, written guidance, live teaching or modelled examples. Any videos will be made available for children to watch again via their Teams account.  Taught input may be provided by your child’s class teacher or by a qualified colleague, for example an equivalent year group within the trust.

Children will also be expected to read daily, either independently or with an adult, as appropriate for their age (advised 20 minutes for KS1 children, 30 minutes for KS2 children).

Expectations of work completion and contact:

If your child is self-isolating because they are ill there is no expectation to complete work.

There is an expectation that all work set from school is completed. For work completed during the initial first two days of self-isolation, this does not have to be returned to the class teacher and no direct feedback will be given. For any subsequent work (set directly via Teams), work should be completed and submitted through Teams and feedback will be given as appropriate to support learning and progress. For older children, written work will be required, for younger children, teachers may ask for photos or audio/video clips to be submitted via Teams.

Pupils can also complete book quizzes via their Accelerated Reader accounts (where applicable), times tables practice via their Times Tables Rockstars account (where applicable) and a range of curriculum learning via their Education City account (where applicable). Please contact your child’s class teacher for login details for these platforms.

After the first two days of self-isolation, your child’s class teacher will be making contact with the class daily, via group meetings on the Teams platform, to provide verbal feedback and encouragement and to ensure the child continues to feel as a member of the class. For any child who, for whatever reason, does not engage with remote learning, the class teacher will look to arrange direct contact with them and their parents at least twice a week to ensure their welfare needs are being met..