Longford Park Primary School

01452 347868
Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary Life at Longford Park Primary


Safeguarding, safety and promoting the welfare of children is the highest priority for Longford Park Primary Academy:  

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing the impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

There are a number of legal frameworks and definitions of safeguarding which can be found in the GLA Safeguarding Policy and LPPA Safeguarding Handbook.

Safeguarding is about more than Child Protection. The latter is specifically about protecting children and young people from suspected abuse and neglect.  It includes everything an organisation can do to keep children and young people safe, including minimizing the risk of harm and accidents and taking action to tackle safety concerns.


Staff training

All staff are trained at least three times a year through staff meetings, training events and through regular updates.

All staff undertake whole school training by the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Board. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Richard Clowes) and our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Emma Williams) also update their knowledge through attending regular revision training led by the GSCB. 


Designated Safeguarding Leads have updated Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) training and safer recruitment training is also completed by all relevant personnel. Our safeguarding governor also attends regular training to be updated on all issues relating to safeguarding in school.  Regular staff meetings will address current concerns and this ensures staff can assess risk and respond to this in a timely manner.


Annually, we will complete a safeguarding audit for Gloucestershire County Council that has an action plan. We also complete a Trust safeguarding audit that compliments the GCC audit. These both acts as a tool for our own quality assurance and ensures safeguarding concerns remain of primacy at our schools.

Pupil Provision

With this in mind, the school will provide a broad and balanced curriculum underpinned by our school values; used to model and articulate British values, protected characteristics and links to our robust PSHE curriculum which will be developed in relation to our own context.

Safeguarding Key Policies

The GLA Safeguarding Children Policy

The Longford Park Safeguarding Policy Handbook

The GLA E-Safety Policy 

Early Help Offer

For all GLA policies please click here.

For all Longford Park Primary Academy Policy Handbooks click here.