Longford Park Primary School

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The Multi-Academy Trust Trustees

The Trust Board is the governing body for a Multi Academy Education Trust. 

Within the Gloucestershire Learning Alliance, the Trust Board have delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, the Director of Academies and the Chief Operations Officer tasks which ensure:

  • that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Education and the Academies it runs are clearly defined;
  • that the Headteacher performs their responsibility for the educational performance of the school
  • that there is sound, proper and effective use of Academy Trust's financial resources

The Trustees hold the CEO, DoA and COO directly accountable.  The Executive Officers directly report to the Trust Board over 12 formal board and committee meetings.  The CEO meets with the Chair and Vice Chair fortnightly.

These Officers are responsible for ensuring that the Trustees are clearly informed and able to make decisions around the efficacy of the systems designed to improve standards, manage staff, secure financial probity, efficiency and sustainability and to hold schools to account and therefore the performance of the Trust they are responsible for.

These systems are regularly reviewed and considered.

The direct line of accountability is from the Trustees to the CEO and then through the CEO to the DoA and COO through to all Headteachers and therefore staff.

There are external reviews to provide additional support and information to the Trustees

  • External Audit
  • Internal Audit
  • External reviews of education in individual academies
  • Peer Reviews
  • National Data, ISDRs
  • Ofsted
  • EFSA Annual benchmarking
  • SRMA
  • Financial and Governance Handbooks.
  • RSC involvement through the RSC review.

The Members and Trustees have a responsibility to ensure that they act and behave in line with the principles sat out in the Articles of Association, Governance Handbook and Financial Handbook.

Trust Board Contacts